Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tembi Village

Tembi Tourism Village is one of the tourist village in Timbulharjo, Sewon district, Bantul, located about 10 kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta. The village is famous for its handicrafts mendong and pandan. In this village you can also see first hand the activities of the village residents, ranging from farming, raising up their traditional arts.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Pasar Seni GABUSAN (Gabusan Art Market)

Art Market Gabusan  located in Jalan Parangtritis km 9 this past 2 years has become the trading center of handicrafts from around Bantul. Not just a market, Gabusan also equipped with other facilities, such as snack place, access to information technology to store daily needs.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

makam imogiri (imogiri tomb)

Imogiri tomb is the tomb complex of the kings of Mataram and his family. The complex is located in Ginirejo Imogiri. This tomb was founded by Sultan Agung between the years 1632 - 1640M is a sultanate palace buildings.

Goa cerme (cerme caves)

Located in the village district Selopamioro Imogiri 20 km south of Yogyakarta. Entire length of the cave about 1.5 miles and ends at a spring in the Roast, precisely in the village Ploso, Giritirto, Gunungkidul. Average water depth of about 1 to 1.5 meters.

goa jepang (Japanese caves)

This cave is located in the village Ngreco, and Poyahan, Seloharjo Village, District Pundong. Japan's cave is a relic of World War II. As a means of military defense in the era of Japan in 1942-1945, especially after Japan's allies defend themselves from the arrival in Indonesia.

panggung krapyak

Located in Krapyak, Panggungharjo, Sewon Bantul, Yogyakarta or more further details on the route south of Yogyakarta palace square and Plengkung Ivory plaza south, towards the south is approximately less than 2 pounds. Used building materials brick stucco, with a length of 17.60 m, width 15 m, height 10 m. Stage Krapyak building has 4 (four), the fruit on each side.

Pleret archaeological museum

Pleret archaeological museum is located on Pleret street  or more precisely located in the hamlet kedaton Bantul Regency ,Yogyakarta, Pleret district. This museum store many objects of cultural heritage found in Bantul. Museum that looks not so great but Pleret Archaeological museum has many relics of objects save its history, there are about 50 objects of cultural heritage. of statues, stupas, relics and other objects.

kasongan village

Kasongan is the name of a popular tourist destination located in Bantul regency, Yogyakarta, Kasongan is an area famous for its handicrafts gerabahnya. This tour is exactly the place was in the area Kajen hamlets, villages Bangunjiwo, poor district, Bantul, Yogyakarta, about 6 km from Yogyakarta to the south, by road of Bantul.

Goa Selarong (Selarong cave)

Selarong cave located in the Hamlet Kembangputihan, District Pajangan, Bantul District, Yogyakarta Province.

Sendang Kasihan (kasihan spring)

Sendang kasihan is located in the Village kasihan, Kalurahan Tamantirto, kasihan district, Bantul District, Yogyakarta Province. Precisely located approximately 1.5 miles to the west of the sugar factory Madukismo. This location can be reached from the intersection of kasihan (ring road south) straight to the south approximately 1 mile.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Parang Kusumo beach

Parang Kusumo Coast beaches are located on the west Parangtritis, Bantul, Yogyakarta. has a natural beauty that is not inferior to Parangtritis beach. Moreover near the coast there are two rocks in the concrete fence around it. A sacred place by local people, known as Cepuri.

Depok Beach

Depok Beach is a beach that is still in the area Parangtritis, Bantul, Yogyakarta or more precisely located on the west coast of Parangtritis And Parangkusumo Coast, a distance of 3-4 Km.

and in particular the area of Depok Beach became a fishing village. It is located about about 30 kilometers south of Yogyakarta city center, or right next to the eastern mouth of the River Opak.

Parangtritis beach

Parangtritis beach is a beach located about 27 km to the south of the city of Yogyakarta, it can be achieved through Parangtritis Street, with a straight road or a longer route, but the scenery more beautiful through Imogiri and Siluk Village.

Parangtritis that are in Bantul is a sloping beach, with rocky hills, white sandy beaches and coastal scenery and limestone hill on the north coast.

about bantul

Bantul District is an area that lies south of the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Bantul Regency has a variety of interesting attractions both natural attractions, sights and petilasan made ​​historic. Besides having a beautiful landscape which has many attractions and the myth of spiritual value to the Java community. South coast nature tourism is still a favorite destination of tourists. This area could be one of the best options for foreign tourists who visited in Indonesia other than Bali and Jakarta.