Thursday, March 22, 2012

Goa cerme (cerme caves)

Located in the village district Selopamioro Imogiri 20 km south of Yogyakarta. Entire length of the cave about 1.5 miles and ends at a spring in the Roast, precisely in the village Ploso, Giritirto, Gunungkidul. Average water depth of about 1 to 1.5 meters.

Goa Cerme at first was a meeting place used by Walisongo to spread and teach the religion of Islam in Java. The word 'Cerme' comes from the word 'discourse', the talks held during the meeting to discuss plans to establish in the Great Mosque in Demak, a town in northern Central Java.

The main attraction of Goa Cerme this is the beauty of stalactite and stalagmite and the existence of an underground river and a lot of swinging bats in the cave. Conditions inside the cave with no lights and the darkness of the cave floor was flooded by ground water, which in the rainy season the water will put (up), but in the dry season the water subsided. In general, foreign tourists who visited the cave Cerme spend between 3 to 5 hours on location.
To reach the front gate of the cave, one must climb 759 meters of stairs. It's best if visitors contact Interpreter Lock or cave guards advance to get the exact details or information. 

In addition to the main cave there is another smaller cave which was used as a place of meditation cave puppeteer. Goa ledhek, Badhut cave, and cave tribe. On Monday or Tuesday wage many visitor come to ask God's blessing to hold a thanksgiving ceremony. At the holidays, many students and young people things to do this temapat. Along the corridor in the cave Cerme there is a stage that was used for the rendezvous.

This cave includes a long and deep caves. Way to achieve this excellent location and the distance of about 20 km. Go to Goa Cerme scene from the last village is very nice. In the daytime, when the air is bright, the city of Yogyakarta looks beautiful and at night could see the sparkling city lights.