Thursday, March 22, 2012

panggung krapyak

Located in Krapyak, Panggungharjo, Sewon Bantul, Yogyakarta or more further details on the route south of Yogyakarta palace square and Plengkung Ivory plaza south, towards the south is approximately less than 2 pounds. Used building materials brick stucco, with a length of 17.60 m, width 15 m, height 10 m. Stage Krapyak building has 4 (four), the fruit on each side.

Inside the room there are brick walls that make up the rooms. The building consists of two levels. To reach the top level there is a hole for attaching the ladder northwest side of the room (the stairs are now gone).

Condition of many buildings are damaged by poorly maintained, brick home that was released. Krapyak stage is the location of the hunt for the king - the king of Kraton Yogyakarta, Stage Krapyak in use to save the game and also a spy game.

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