Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tembi Village

Tembi Tourism Village is one of the tourist village in Timbulharjo, Sewon district, Bantul, located about 10 kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta. The village is famous for its handicrafts mendong and pandan. In this village you can also see first hand the activities of the village residents, ranging from farming, raising up their traditional arts.

Various export quality handicrafts are also produced population here. The village is a workshop where local materials of high quality processed by hand - hand craft experts to be ready for export to all over the world.

In this village there is also a Tembi Cultural House which occupies a land area of ​​3000 square meters and was established beginning in 2007. The building is designed with Java architecture is, first it functioned as a center of cultural and arts activities. In this place there are various collections of objects of art and culture, ranging from the pavilion buildings in the content with a set of Javanese gamelan, gallery or museum space, to the library. Museum collections have reached thousands more, from the art tools, traditional weapons, child toys, batik equipment, kitchen appliances to all ethnic Javanese.

Tembi is stored in the museum of traditional equipment such as a weapon, a dagger, kitchen appliances, farming. You can view images of Javanese life cycle such as mitoni, tedhak siten, tetakan, supitan, manten.

There are also videos of traditional art performances, puppet, kethoprak, campursari, gejog mortar, dance, ndolalak, keroncong. There is also a collection of keris, cundrik, spears and swords, amounting 300buah. We can see also books, old manuscripts and traditional Javanese cuisine recipes

Given this cultural house visitors are expected to get useful information about Javanese culture.

There was also a lodging facility on the east side of the building. There is a homestay with a building that resembles a country house with a traditional Javanese architecture. At the Homestay there are libraries and documentation of cultural space. In the tourist village of Tembi, you can feel the life of a typical rural quiet, comfortable and beautiful away from the noise and bustle of the city.